- Bedbugs, Roaches, and the like -- coming up with a comprehensive strategy
What do we know about bedbug treatment?
- Four steps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDa3NEp5aNA
- Prepare
- Throw out stuff that can be tossed - SEAL BAGS
- Dry clothes etc on high for 30 minutes then seal in bags.
- Make sure drawers are empty, etc.
- We may need a new master mattress -- the casings don't work on mattresses with hoses
- Steaming (optional)
- Chemicals.
- Treat again -- every 7-10 days (usually requires 3-4 iterations)
- Equipment
- Kit $100
- Gloves $15
- Sprayer ???
What do we know about roach treatment?
- Stuff that kills bedbugs should kill roaches
What types of things do we need to treat?
- Clothes
- Beds
- Cupboards
- Carpet
- Vehicles
JMag Guthrie - 2018-12-11
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