Iker ran the meeting.

Iker, Andromeda, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

Andromeda's goal is to do chores and make money.

Iker's goal is to water her rose.

Kiyoshi is going to start dieting.


J-Mag got the car fixed.

Iker got all A's on her report card.

Iker says that Kiyoshi is finally dieting.

The chore chart is complete.


Andromeda complains that she has a little problem with people and the broken shower curtain rod.

Andromeda complains that Kiyoshi leaves hair in the bathtub.

Jonathan complains that the house is not kept clean.

Kiyoshi complains that someone has been erasing lines on the chore chart.

Iker complains that there's no sunscreen or after-sun stuff.


J-Mag will score a cow.

Jonathan will buy a copy of the book "A Fate Worse than Dragons" by John Moore.

Anime Matsuri is next weekend and Andromeda will figure out how to get there.

Iker will water her rose.

Calendar Items

Payday is a week from Monday.

DBSA is Tuesday.

John Moore's book is out Tuesday.

Apollocon promotion stuff is happening Saturday.

Iker is going to a sleepover at Emma's house on Friday.

Friday is the first day of Anime Matsuri

Family Rules

Family Activity

Iker wants to play Empire Builder.

Maybe another activity without Andromeda.

-- JonathanGuthrie - 22 Apr 2007

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Topic revision: r1 - 2007-04-22 - JonathanGuthrie
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