Jonathan ran the meeting. T-Bob, Iker, J-Mag, and Jonathan attended. ---++ Last Week's Goals * Jonathan will spend no money in the vending machines and only use the cafeteria once * J-Mag will wear the !MegaMan boots all through the night at least one night. ---++ Successes * J-Mag learned to do a Gantt chart in excel * iker has a part-time job * Jonathan implement the loading coil optimization algorithm it works. ---++ Issues * we need monitors * T-Bob hurt himself. He sprained his thumb. * Iker wants people to keep her tablet screen cleaner * T-Bob is aromatic ---++ Deals in Place * Cooking dinner is worth Karma, and not money, unless agreed upon beforehand. * Iker will empty the dishwasher and T-Bob will arrange for it to be loaded and run. In exchange, Iker gets Google Play gift cards periodically so she can buy apps for her tablet and T-Bob gets Amazon gift cards. ---++ Goals * J-Mag will stay current on her homework * Iker will build her own computer with parts she buys with money she earns. * T-Bob will figure out a way to take his tests * Jonathan will try harder to not spend money in the vending machine and visit the cafeteria only once ---++ Calendar Items * Sunday is !ApolloCon meeting * Tuesday is Writers' Group * Wednesday - T-Bob - Doctor * Friday - Pay Day * Friday - J-Mag - Bob for lunch ---++ Rule Changes * none proposed ---++ Family Activity * shopping * Set on Sunday ---++ Questions & Announcements & Jokes * A blonde went to buy a Pizza and after ordering, the assistant asked the blonde if she would like her pizza cut into six pieces or twelve. "Six please" she said, "I could never eat twelve!" ---++ Grades * Grades were discussed ---++ Citizenship Money * T-Bob $4 * Iker $4 -- Main.JMagGuthrie - 25 Jan 2014
This topic: GuthrieFamily
Topic revision: r2 - 2014-01-25 - JMagGuthrie
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