---++ Fresh Meat Krispy Treat ---+++ INGREDIENTS * 3.5 - 4 c cocoa crispy cerial * 1 1/2 c mini marshmallows * 1/2 c dry Red Velvet cake mix * 1/4 c (1/2 stick) butter * 1 tsp vanilla + a drop or two of red food coloring. ---+++ PREPARATION 1. Lay out a sheet of parchment or waxed paper. 1. In a microwave-safe bowl, melt butter and marshmallows in 30-second increments, stirring after each. Be careful it doesn't burn. 1. Add vanilla extract and one drop of red food coloring. 1. Gradually stir in the cake mix. If mixture is too thick, add a little more melted butter. 1. Add cereal--starting with 3 cups and adding as much more as you need. 1. Spray your hands with cooking spray or grease with butter. 1. Remove mixture from the bowl and onto the parchment. Shape as desired. 1. Optionally, garnish with a blood-sauce of berry coulis or the like. ( thehomicidalhomemaker.com ) -- Main.JMagGuthrie - 2014-11-20
This topic: GuthrieFamily
Topic revision: r1 - 2014-11-20 - JMagGuthrie
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