---++ Microwave Mac & Cheese in a Mug ---+++ INGREDIENTS * 1/3 c pasta * 3/4 c water * 1/4 c milk * 1/4 tsp cornstarch * 1/4 c shredded cheese (cheddar or other) * salt, pepper, etc. to taste ---+++ PREPARATION 1. In large microwave-safe mug, combine pasta and water. 1. Microwave on high power for 3 - 3.5 minutes, till pasta is fully cooked. 1. Pour off extra water. 1. Stir in milk and cornstarch, then cheese. 1. Microwave 60 seconds. 1. Add salt and pepper. Enjoy. ( biggerboldferbaking.com ) -- %USERSIG{JMagGuthrie - 2017-01-23}%
This topic: GuthrieFamily
Topic revision: r1 - 2017-01-23 - JMagGuthrie
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