---+++ the many roads <div id="post_message_1766888">You've heard the adage "All roads lead to Rome."<br />I wonder what a Google map would say.<br />For, couldn't some of them convey me home?<br />And when you turn around, they lead away.<br /><br />Now what of that one road less traveled by?<br />Since it is famous, surely there's a throng.<br />Those who think celebrity is why<br />They should all get in line and go along.<br /><br />And what of roads to riches or to hell?<br />Or those that Bob and Bing would sing along?<br />In truth, there are too many roads to tell.<br />In film and story, poetry and song.<br /><br />Remember that a road is just a guide;<br />Which way you travel, only you decide.</div> -- %USERSIG{JMagGuthrie - 2018-01-09}%
This topic: GuthrieFamily
Topic revision: r1 - 2018-01-09 - JMagGuthrie
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