#VarINCLUDE ---+++ QUERYPARAMS -- show paramaters to the query * Expands the parameters to the query that was used to display the page. * Syntax: =%<nop>QUERYPARAMS{...}%= * Parameters: * =format="..."= format string for each entry, default =$name=$value= * =separator="..."= separator string, default =separator="$n"= (newline) * =encoding="..."= the encoding to apply to parameter values; see [[VarENCODE][ENCODE]] for a description of the available encodings. If this parameter is not given, no encoding is performed. * The following escape sequences are expanded in the format string: | *Sequence:* | *Expands To:* | | =$name= | Name of the parameter | | =$value= | String value of the parameter. Multi-valued parameters will have a "row" for each value. | %INCLUDE{FormatTokens}% * Example: * =%<nop>QUERYPARAMS{format="<input type='hidden' name='$name' value='$value' encoding="entity" />"}%= * See also [[VarQUERYSTRING][QUERYSTRING]], [[%IF{"'%INCLUDINGTOPIC%'='TWikiVariables'" then="#"}%VarURLPARAM][URLPARAM]]
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Topic revision: r2 - 2005-03-27 - TWikiContributor
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