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Iker ran the meeting

T-Bob, Andromeda, Iker, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks' Goals

Andy's goal is to see a beauty college .... yes

Jonathan's goal is to write to the Linux Journal .... yes

Iker's goal is to be at school by six every day this week ...yes

J-Mag's goal is to shovel some poopoo-heads .... yes


Kiyoshi wrote to DARS asking for an appointmen


Andromeda says Iker wore her pants and made holes in them.

J-Mag says No more special food.


J-Mag will get the mortgage co to issue the second check and put it in the mail

Jonathan will renew the registration of the car

iker will get to school by 6am every day.

T-Bob's goal is to do his homework

Calendar Items

Jonathan says Mezeo Software Christmas Lunch is Friday - early dismissal

Apollocon metting Saturday

Dr Appointment on the 29th for Andy

Jonathan's birthday, Wednesday


T-Bob thinks there should be rule that if anyone leaves dishes the card gets taken away for 24 hours

Andy says if people leave dishes upstairs they should have their login disabled.

Family Activity

Jonathan's birthday - stuff


Andy and Kiyoshi did they talk to DARS?


-- JMagGuthrie - 07 Dec 2008

Topic revision: r1 - 2008-12-07 - JMagGuthrie
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