Andromeda ran the meeting.
Iker, Andromeda, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.
Last Weeks's Goals
Jonathan coordinated "real tea" with Valerie.
J-Mag says that Andromeda successfully made lasagna.
Kiyoshi cleaned the downstairs
Jonathan bought Kiyoshi's airplane ticket for July 1, 2007.
Jonathan reserved the Hotel room for Apollocon.
Iker complains that she wants to watch the "Awesome Possum" right.
Iker and T-Bob were acting like brats during Kiyoshi's friends' visit.
J-Mag complains that people take spoons to eat ice cream and are not bringing them back so we're running out.
Jonathan is going to communicate with Mark about the Apollocon stuff.
J-Mag gets the van serviced this weekend.
J-Mag and Andy will cook every night this week.
Calendar Items
Apollocon meeting Saturday.
J-Mag is going to a ball game on Thursday.
Nat is coming over Monday.
Family Rules
Return the spoons!
Family Activity
JonathanGuthrie - 10 Jun 2007