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J-Mag ran the meeting.

T-Bob, Andromeda, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

Move TBHOF to the hosted computer soon.

Finish the first draft of the weight loss web site.

Andy is going to help around the house.

Iker's goal is to blog every day.

Jonathan will make fondue Sunday.

T-Bob will get stuff from the convenience store.


Andy found a non-functional wireless network card.

J-Mag got up early for photo day.

Andy got a picture with Andy and Andy Pettite.

Jonathan did the fondue.

Jonathan's grass sprouted.

Jonathan did tree trimming and grape vine distruction.

Jonathan got replacement blind for downstairs.


Andromeda wants torch in her room. (That's what the wireless card is for.)

People watch TV in the master bedroom. When they do, they mess up the blankets.


Robert will give Torch to Andy.

Andromeda will finish cleaning the computer room and to mop the kitchen floor.

J-Mag and Jonathan will get to Costco and Sam's club to look at Apollocon prices.

Calendar Items

DBSA on Thursday.

Apollcon Meeting on Saturday.

Family Rules

Family Activity

X3 next weekend. Maybe.

-- JonathanGuthrie - 11 Jun 2006

Topic revision: r1 - 2006-06-11 - JonathanGuthrie
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