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T-Bob ran the meeting.

T-Bob, Iker, Andromeda, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

T-Bob will get his hair cut on Monday after he does his homework.

Jonathan will unpack more books.

Jonathan will begin wiring the house for LAN and electricity.


Jonathan has run all of the network and power cables he needs to have his office set up.

T-Bob got his hair cut on Monday.

Iker noted that we went to IHOP and got good food.


Andromeda says that Kiyoshi "keeps being stupid". It has to do with the fact that he and she share a room and they don't go to sleep at the same time.

Iker complains that Andromeda turned the TV off during their "indoor camping".

Andromeda complains that "people" keep loading the dishwasher before she gets home and then complaining that she doesn't do her job.

Jonathan complains that he got fiberglass all over his arms and face and it itches.

T-Bob complains that he has an issue.

J-Mag notes that the switch to daylight saving time happened today and she needs help changing all the clocks.


Jonathan will help J-Mag change all the clocks.

Jonathan will finish wiring the closet to use as an office.

J-Mag will help T-Bob finish his homework packet.

Jonathan will reset the burglar alarm.

Jonathan will donate blood on Saturday.

Calendar Items

HC MUD 71 meeting on Monday.

Saturday is St. Patrick's day.

Iker gets a rose on Saturday.

Computer case for Megaman on Saturday.

Family Rules

Family Activity

Big Daddy's Barbecue on Saturday.

-- JonathanGuthrie - 11 Mar 2007

Topic revision: r1 - 2007-03-11 - JonathanGuthrie
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