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Iker ran the meeting.

T-Bob, Iker, Andromeda, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

T-Bob will get 5 E's again.

Iker will get all her school work done.

Iker will get up and get dressed by herself every morning.


Andy filled out a job application at Sonic.

Jonathan found a geocache at Tom Bass park.


Andy wonders when she's going to get the computer Kiyoshi's friend has promised her.

J-Mag complains that people mess with her blanket.

Kiyoshi complains that Iker is not cleaning up the microwave after she uses it.

Jonathan complains that people get bottles of water, drink less than half of it and then forget about them.

Jonathan complains that people are eating in front of the downstairs TV and making a mess.

Andy complains that people eat in front of the TV and leave their dishes there.

Kiyoshi complains that people take paper towels into the living room and don't put them back so he can't find them when he wants them.

Andy complains that Kiyoshi uses too much ice when he makes Kool-Aid.


Jonathan will mop the kitchen floor.

Iker will get all her school work done.

Iker will get up and get dressed by herself every morning.

Iker plans to earn $5.

Andy will go ISS Monday and not walk out.

Andy will go to school the whole week.

Andy will do the dishes when it's convenient for J-Mag.

Calendar Items

Andy has Anime club Friday.

Apollocon meeting on Saturday.

Tuesday is family therapy.

J-Mag has stress test follow-up on Tuesday.

Kiyoshi goes to Criss Cole school on March 6.

Family Rules

No changes to the family rules this week.

Family Activity

Sunday dinner at Burger King.

Picnic lunch on Sunday the 19th.

-- JonathanGuthrie - 12 Feb 2006

Topic revision: r1 - 2006-02-12 - JonathanGuthrie
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