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Iker ran the meeting.

T-Bob, Iker, Andromeda, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

Jonathan will clean the microwave.

T-Bob will get 100 on his fast facts.

Andromeda will clean her room before school starts.

Iker will get 100 on her mad minute.


Jonathan fixed Tweedledum (power supply)

Andromeda cleaned her room without any help.


Andromeda complains that her room needs better organization.

Andromeda complains that she does not like water.

Andromeda reports that people drink milk out of the container.

Andromeda complains that her room needs blinds.

Andromeda complains that she doesn't like the meals.

Andromeda complains that she has no source of money.

Andromeda complains that she needs stuff to do coloring with.


Iker will get her book back.

Andromeda will find out why she is classified as a junior.

Calendar Items

T-Bob goes to the eye doctor on Tuesday.

Jonathan sees Joe, his personal torturer, on Monday and Friday.

Jonathan reports that payday is Tuesday.

J-Mag reports that there is a blood drive at Iker and T-Bob's school on Tuesday.

Family Rules

The new family meeting time is 9 PM on Friday.

Family Activity

Iker wants to go out to eat.

T-Bob wants family game night to play "Monopoly".


-- JonathanGuthrie - 13 Jan 2008

Topic revision: r1 - 2008-01-13 - JonathanGuthrie
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