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Mom ran the meeting.

T-Bob, Iker, Andromeda, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

Jonathan will do something about the clothes dryer in the garage.

T-Bob will go to Kroger with Jonathan to get stuff.

Jonathan will investigate ceiling fans for the computer room and the girls' room.

Iker will water her rose twice.


T-Bob did his makeup homework.

Kelly won a prize and is going to Georgia to do math research for two months.

J-Mag got the car fixed.


Iker complains that she doesn't have a ceiling fan in her room.

Jonathan complains that Andromeda complains!

Andromeda complains that Jonathan mowed when she was going to.

Andromeda complains that people leave their dishes in front of the TV.

Andromeda complains that she is outgrowing her clothes.

Andromeda complains that we need a new ironing board.

Andromeda complains that she can't get to her home page, because her access to those directories has been revoked.

Kiyoshi complains that his cream cheese that went missing wound up by Iker's computer.

Kiyoshi complains that the living room is messed up after he helped clean it.

Kiyoshi complains that he wants to move to Ohio, (for real this time) but he needs some travel expenses. Jonathan is willing to buy the airplane ticket.


Jonathan really and truly will do something about the clothes drier.

Jonathan really and truly will do something about the ceiling fans.

Andromeda will do her homework during this last week of school so that she can pass.

Kiyoshi will figure out what day he wants to travel to Ohio.

Calendar Items

J-Mag sees Dr. Love tomorrow at 1:15.

Apollocon meeting Saturday.

DBSA on Tuesday.

Jonathan will probably work from Home on Thursday.

May 28th, the pest control people are showing up.

Family Rules

There will be a $1 for everyone who leaves dishes in front of the TV.

Family Activity

Out to eat for Mother's day.

Kiyoshi wants to go to see Spiderman III.

-- JonathanGuthrie - 13 May 2007

Topic revision: r1 - 2007-05-13 - JonathanGuthrie
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