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Kiyoshi ran the meeting

T-Bob, Iker, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.


T-Bob got a signed David Carr card by mastering his math facts.

Iker took a puppy for a walk.

Iker successfully turned 9.


Kiyoshi found downstairs toilet clogged again.


J-Mag's goal is to make an appointment for Kiyoshi to get a checkup.

Jonathan will visit the doctor.

T-Bob will get five "E's" and pick from the treasure box.

Calendar Items

Simdesk's Thanksgiving feast is Wednesday, the 16th.

J-Mag and Kiyoshi go see Steve Moscowitz on Monday.

Rachel Simpson will be here Tuesday with assistive devices for the deaf-blind.

Payday is Tuesday.

Family Rules

The logging-off rule is now no longer in effect.

New Rule:

Don't leave messes.

Do Put toys in toy box. Put dishes in sink. Put trash in trash can. Put dirty clothes in hamper. Put books on bookshelf.

Consequence If caught, be cleaner for ten minutes under the direction of whoever's in charge of the house.

Reward Have people over.

Family Activity

Harry Potter on the weekend of the 19th of November.

-- JonathanGuthrie - 13 Nov 2005

Topic revision: r1 - 2005-11-13 - JonathanGuthrie
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