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Iker ran the meeting.

T-Bob, Iker, Andromeda, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals


J-Mag did the New Jersey "Nightmares" team Web page.

J-Mag "pitched" a no hitter.

Andromeda has now gotten to run the bases at the Astrodome and Minute Maid Park.

Jonathan has set up a trouble-ticketing system for household use.

Jonathan and J-Mag have figured out how to use DARCS.

Jonathan got the first QMail build done at work.

Jonathan fixed the lost pickets on the fence.

Jonathan set up Iker's blog. Iker's blog will be used to determine whether or not she gets piano lessons.

T-Bob has no more homework.


It was raining hard when everybody left the ballpark and Mom made everyone leave anyway and they would have missed the bus if they hadn't left right then.

Andromeda has trouble remembering to take her medicine and nobody is helping her remember.

Iker wants to take piano lessons.

Whoever clears off the table leaves piles of rotting food in the seek.


Andromeda is going to email her father in hopes of getting a response.

T-Bob is going to figure out what to do for money over the summer.

Jonathan will mop the downstairs sometime this week.

Calendar Items

Tuesday is HAL-PC ham satellite radio SIG.

Thursday is DBSA.

Sunday is a rocket launch.

Payday is Monday.

Family Rules

Family Activity

J-Mag wants to go to 59 Diner for Mother's day.

Pizza and Munchkin on Saturday.

Rocket launch on Sunday.

-- JonathanGuthrie - 14 May 2006

Topic revision: r1 - 2006-05-14 - JonathanGuthrie
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