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T-Bob ran the meeting.

T-Bob, Iker, Andromeda, Kiyoshi, Jonathan, and J-Mag attended

Last Weeks's Goals

Jonathan will finish Chromite's upgrade.

J-Mag will find the Social Security office.

J-Mag will find the discount car care.


Iker spent her points on a "sock day" and a "McDonald's pass".

Jonathan set up DDNS.

Jonathan set up the new lawn mower, which has a right-handed thread, and mowed the lawn.


Andromeda complains that there are no snack foods to be found in the house.

Andromeda needs money for the convention in two weeks and complains that people are doing her jobs.

T-Bob complains that Iker sometimes cheats when she's playing with her.

Kiyoshi complains that we need to figure out a chore chart.

Kiyoshi suggests adding to the meeting agenda to assign chores.


Andromeda's goal is to do chores and make money.

Iker's goal is to water her rose.

Kiyoshi is going to start dieting.

Calendar Items

Monday night, J-Mag and Jonathan are going to a baseball game.

DBSA on Tuesday.

Apollocon Meeting on Saturday.

Anime club on Wednesday.

Family Rules

Family Activity

Iker wants to play Empire Builder

TMNT on Saturday

-- JonathanGuthrie - 15 Apr 2007

Topic revision: r1 - 2007-04-15 - JonathanGuthrie
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