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T-Bob ran the meeting

T-Bob, Iker, Andromeda, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Week's Goals

Jonathan will send the paperwork to the appraiser for the homestead exemption - yes

Robert will do all his homework - yes

Robert will get to his bus on time no


T-Bob finished BeastQuest

Jonathan installed windows on ariadne

A futon has been purchased and assembled

Iker defeated some boss of some game.

Andromeda got her birth certificate


Kiyoshi thinks the futon is his new bed

Iker's germaphobia

Iker is wasting T-Bob's blue tape

Andromeda doesn't have enough money


Jonathan will try to get the motherboard working

J-Mag will avoid becoming part of the EPL leadership

Andromeda will try to make the house cleaner over spring break

Get T-Bob's glasses fixed, tomorrow

Calendar Items

Apollocon Meeting Saturday

A week from Monday the HOA annual makeup meeting

Spring break

Wednesday trip to Gonzales



Family Activity

Look at the cannon

out to eat

Topic revision: r1 - 2009-03-15 - JMagGuthrie
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