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J-Mag ran the meeting

J-Mag, Iker, T-Bob and Jonathan attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

J-Mag will pass her final

J-Mag will be hired by H&R Block

Jonathan will do three sessions with help from T-Bob

T-Bob will take the trash bags in his room downstairs


T-Bob met his goal

Jonathan replaced the doorbell

Iker's birthday

We have games on tweedledum

We won trivia

T-Bob's grades went up

T-Bob's tooth came out


Homework needs to start earlier

T-Bob's after-school program

Renaissance festival


Jonathan will do 3 sessions one with t-bob

To wake up well every day.

Jonathan will call the Dr

Iker will defeat vaati

Calendar Items

ApolloCon meeting on Saturday

J-Mag gets fingerprints on Saturday

KARS is Tuesday


Family Activity




$1 for T-Bob

$5 for Iker

Topic revision: r1 - 2009-11-15 - JMagGuthrie
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