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J-Mag ran the meeting.

T-Bob, Iker, Andromeda, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

J-Mag will get the people to go bed this week.

Jonathan will finish the Apollocon 2007 crap he has yet to do.


Jonathan ordered new batteries for the rackmounted UPSes.

Andromeda cleaned the upstairs bathroom.

Kiyoshi successfully returned.


Kiyoshi complains that his room was a mess when he got home.

Andromeda complains that Iker likes to be on her computer and there are cockroaches on the table and she hits the table and it's annoying.

T-Bob complains that the keyboard he is using has a sticky key.

Andromeda complains that too much light comes in her window which wakes her up in the early morning.

Andromeda complains that she cannot get a new monitor because her old one is broken.

Andromeda complains that this neighborhood is boring.

Andromeda complains

Iker complains that Kiyoshi keeps taking away the stuff that she wants to play with during the meeting.


Kiyoshi will complete the to-do list his dad gave him.

Andromeda will not be so tired so she can work on the cleaning so that she and Iker can go to the mall.

Jonathan will do the con suite inventory.

Jonathan will do the con suite report.

Jonathan will do the con suite reimbursement forms.

J-Mag will get started on the PHP tutorial.

Calendar Items

Apollocon meeting on Saturday.

J-Mag and Jonathan dating Saturday.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is released on July 23.

Family Rules

People don't play on the computers or watch TV after bedtime. This will be enforced by technical means.

Family Activity

-- JonathanGuthrie - 16 Jul 2007

Topic revision: r1 - 2007-07-16 - JonathanGuthrie
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