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Kiyoshi ran the meeting.

T-Bob, Iker, Andromeda, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

Jonathan is going to communicate with Mark about the Apollocon stuff.

J-Mag gets the van serviced this weekend.

J-Mag and Andy will cook every night this week.


Jonathan got a haircut.

Andromeda loaded the dishwasher twice on Sunday.


T-Bob complains that he needs a haircut.

Kiyoshi complains that he needs a haircut.

Iker complains that she needs a haircut.

Andromeda complains that she needs a haircut.

Andromeda complains that T-Bob doesn't go to bed at bedtime.

Kiyoshi is coming back from Ohio the second half of July. This is an issue because it wasn't supposed to happen.


Jonathan will accomplish lots of accomplish lots of stuff associated with Apollocon.

Iker will talk to J-Mag about jobs at Apollocon.

Andromeda will attempt to mow the lawn sometime this week.

Andromeda will do laundry.

Calendar Items

Tuesday, Andromeday goes to the doctor at 12:30.

Wednesday, J-Mag goes to the dentist at 9:50.

Apollocon on Thursday leaving noonish.

Iker goes to work with Jonathan on Tuesday.

Family Rules

No family meeting next week.

Family Activity

Going out to eat on Father's Day.

Apollocon 2007.

-- JonathanGuthrie - 17 Jun 2007

Topic revision: r1 - 2007-06-17 - JonathanGuthrie
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