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Jonathan ran the meeting.

T-Bob, Iker, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

Jonathan is going to finish the article he's writing for the Linux Journal


Paint colors were chosen.

Jonathan reprogrammed the thermostat and locked it.

J-Mag gave Andromeda a move-out date of February 14, 2009.


Iker complains that Mom is evil.

Kiyoshi complains that people keep leaving the downstairs lights on when they go upstairs.

Kiyoshi complains that not everybody has a water bottle.

Kiyoshi complains that it's cold downstairs so his knee is stiff.


Iker will make sure that any stays here.

Kiyoshi will call the doctor tomorrow to get an appointment with the orthopedist.

Jonathan will put the new registration sticker on the van.

Calendar Items

No school on Monday.

School resumes Tuesday.

Family Rules

Family Activity

-- JonathanGuthrie - 18 Jan 2009

Topic revision: r1 - 2009-01-18 - JonathanGuthrie
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