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T-Bob got all E's so he picked from the Treasure Box.

Andy is learning how to wear a uniform.

Iker got all her work done on Friday.

Kiyoshi's wireless LAN antenna arrived Monday.

Kiyoshi went to the eye doctor.


Andy and Kiyoshi interact with computer. (HUH?)

Iker wants a warning before correct. (HUH?)

Kiyoshi needs a bedtime. Andy would prefer that Kiyoshi's bedtime be before midnight.

Kiyoshi needs a new hard disk. (20G or bigger.)


Get the car fixed.

Kiyoshi needs to tell us what his bedtime is going to be.

Iker will do all work in school at least one day this week.

Andy has a goal of going to the ROTC pool party.

T-Bob has a goal of 4 E's.


No new family rules.


Not logging people off includes no helping when people play games.

Calendar Items

ROTC pool party Saturday.

HAL-PC Ham Satellite Radio Tuesday.

Family Activity

No formal activity scheduled.

-- JonathanGuthrie - 12 Oct 2005

Topic revision: r1 - 2005-10-12 - JonathanGuthrie
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