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Iker ran the meeting.

T-Bob, Iker, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

Jonathan or J-Mag will get the "earnest money" to the title company.

T-Bob's ringworm will go away.

Jonathan will throw out two boxes worth of stuff from the garage.

Iker will get five more dollars for getting up nicely.


Jonathan talked to Paul about Iker going to work on Wednesday.

Jonathan fixed the downstairs computer

Jonathan set up a mailing list for the apollocon database committee.

T-Bob did his homework on Wednesday.

Kiyoshi ran the dishwasher twice today.

Jonathan got a modem for Kiyoshi's computer.

Kiyoshi installed the modem in his computer.



We're going to get Kiyoshi moved out.

T-Bob will do all his homework on Tuesday.

Iker will do all her homework this week.

Jonathan will throw out two more boxes of stuff from the garage.

Jonathan will start throwing out computer carcasses.

Jonathan will take "Texas Caviar" to the Simdesk Thanksgiving feast on Tuesday.

Calendar Items

Iker will go to work with Jonathan on Wednesday.

J-Mag will see Dr. Love Monday.

J-Mag will see Dr. Vogle on Wednesday.

T-Bob will do all his homework on Tuesday.

Thanksgiving on Thursday.

Family Rules

It's Iker's turn to help pick up the downstairs today.

Family Activity

Wings & Pizza on Wednesday.

-- JonathanGuthrie - 19 Nov 2006

Topic revision: r1 - 2006-11-19 - JonathanGuthrie
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