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Kiyoshi ran the meeting.

T-Bob, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

Jonathan will work out five times this week.

Iker will get 100 on her fast facts.

J-Mag will have more days where she doesn't go to Kroger than days that she does.


Jonathan has gotten dspam mostly working, with the rest of the functionality far behind.

J-Mag did some cool graphics stuff.

T-Bob got 100 on his fast facts #9.

J-Mag reports that we got cookie dough.


Jonathan reports that two checks are missing.

Kiyoshi reports that people keep eating his food.


Jonathan will work out five times this week.

T-Bob will get 100 on his fast facts.

J-Mag will have more days where she doesn't go to Kroger than days that she does.

Calendar Items

J-Mag sees her therapist on Monday.

Andy has court on Wednesday and J-Mag has to go with her.

Family Rules

Family Activity

T-Bob wants to go out to eat.

Highland games in May?


-- JonathanGuthrie - 20 Apr 2008

Topic revision: r1 - 2008-04-20 - JonathanGuthrie
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