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T-Bob ran the meeting

J-Mag, Iker, T-Bob and Jonathan attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

Jonathan will do 3 more sessions - nope

Jonathan will try to listen for Oscar51 - yes


Jonathan built 70cm antenna to listen to satellites

J-Mag got her CD in the mail (The Decemberists Picaresque)


Someone did something with the cream of mushroom soup

Someone attacked J-Mag's cake

T-Bob says he needs a new backpack.


Jonathan is going to do three sessions

Jonathan is going to help people get up for school tomorrow

Iker will get to school every day

T-Bob's going to have perfect attendance

Calendar Items

First day of school tomorrow


Family Activity


Has Iker read her books?

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Topic revision: r2 - 2009-08-23 - JMagGuthrie
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