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T-Bob ran the meeting.

T-Bob, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

Jonathan will work out five times this week.

Andromeda will get her paper done by the end of today.


J-Mag got a keyboard.

Jonathan got the van inspected.

Jonathan got new tires for the car.

J-Mag got the oil changed in the van.

Jonathan fixed Tweedledum.

T-Bob has OOTP installed on his Tweedledum login.


J-Mag complains that people mess around with her keyboard.

J-Mag complains that people interfere with her work on the keyboard.

Jonathan complains that the house is a mess.

Jonathan complains that the car may need a mechanical repair.

Kiyoshi complains that his phone has been freezing and it requires that the battery be removed.

Kiyoshi complains that nobody ate the dinner last night even though he made it.


J-Mag will call the hotel and make a reservation for the trip to Dallas Saturday.

Jonathan will work out five times this week.

Jonathan will arrange for the car repairs.

Calendar Items

No school on Monday.

Homeowner's association annual meeting is Monday.

Payday is Friday.

Jonathan, J-Mag, Iker, and T-Bob will take a trip to Dallas on Saturday.

Family Rules

"No Sleeping Downstairs" means no sleeping downstairs during long weekends.

Family Activity

Time constraints prevent having a family activity this week.


-- JonathanGuthrie - 24 Feb 2008

Topic revision: r1 - 2008-02-24 - JonathanGuthrie
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