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Jonathan ran the meeting

J-Mag, Iker, T-Bob and Jonathan attended.

Last Week's Goals

Jonathan will do more ApolloCon stuff

Jonathan will do two sessions

J-Mag will go to the gym every weekday


T-Bob made a dip

Iker went to a dance

Jonathan pruned a tree


Missing radio - $5 reward

Iker does not know how to use a doorbell

T-Bob and sleep


J-Mag will go to the gym 5 times

Jonathan will do two sessions

Jonathan will see the doctor

We will not eat out this week

Calendar Items

Writer's group is Tuesday

J-Mag is going to the Astros with Danny on Wednesday

TAKS is Thursday for T-Bob and Tuesday for Iker

Friday is pay day

Saturday is a ham radio giveaway thingie


Family Activity

Questions & Announcements & Jokes

Lois Stout died.

A neutron walks into a bar and asks the bartender how much a drink is. The bartender replies, "for you, no charge."


$0 T-Bob

$5 Iker

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Topic revision: r2 - 2010-04-25 - JMagGuthrie
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