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Jonathan ran the meeting.

T-Bob, Iker, Andromeda, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

Jonathan plans to get absolutely everything out of the old house.

T-Bob will eventually beat Bowser on "Paper Mario".

Andromeda will go to school every day this week.


J-Mag got the forms so she can order her meds by mail.

Andromeda is mad because she wants to watch Harry Potter.

J-Mag did his homework every day this week.


T-Bob says he was supposed to get his hair cut week before last.

Iker can't find her dragon calendar.

Andromeda complains that Kiyoshi needs to get moved out of the house.

Jonathan complains that the living room is a disaster area.

Jonathan complains that he is the only one doing unpacking.

T-Bob complains that Kiyoshi turned off the TV when the family meeting started.

Andromeda complains that her lotion is missing.

Iker complains that Andromeda makes fun of her when she talks about clamming up.

Andromeda complains that T-Bob needs to learn anger management.

Iker complains that T-Bob hurts her when he gets mad at her.


J-Mag will mail off her prescriptions.

T-Bob will eventually beat Bowser on "Paper Mario".

Calendar Items

Andromeda goes to the doctor on Wednesday.

Take the keys back Wednesday.

T-Bob gets his hair cut after school Friday.

Hamfest on Saturday, Jonathan thinks.

Family Rules

Family Activity

Go see "Bridge to Tarabithia".

-- JonathanGuthrie - 25 Feb 2007

Topic revision: r1 - 2007-02-25 - JonathanGuthrie
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