Jonathan ran the meeting.
T-Bob, Iker, J-Mag, and Jonathan attended.
Last Week's Goals
- Jonathan will spend no money in the vending machines and only use the cafeteria once
- J-Mag will wear the MegaMan boots all through the night at least one night.
* J-Mag learned to do a Gantt chart in excel
* iker has a part-time job
* Jonathan implement the loading coil optimization algorithm it works.
- we need monitors
- T-Bob hurt himself. He sprained his thumb.
- Iker wants people to keep her tablet screen cleaner
- T-Bob is aromatic
Deals in Place
- Cooking dinner is worth Karma, and not money, unless agreed upon beforehand.
- Iker will empty the dishwasher and T-Bob will arrange for it to be loaded and run. In exchange, Iker gets Google Play gift cards periodically so she can buy apps for her tablet and T-Bob gets Amazon gift cards.
- J-Mag will stay current on her homework
- Iker will build her own computer with parts she buys with money she earns.
- T-Bob will figure out a way to take his tests
- Jonathan will try harder to not spend money in the vending machine and visit the cafeteria only once
Calendar Items
- Sunday is ApolloCon meeting
- Tuesday is Writers' Group
- Wednesday - T-Bob - Doctor
- Friday - Pay Day
- Friday - J-Mag - Bob for lunch
Rule Changes
Family Activity
Questions & Announcements & Jokes
- A blonde went to buy a Pizza and after ordering, the assistant asked the blonde if she would like her pizza cut into six pieces or twelve. "Six please" she said, "I could never eat twelve!"
Citizenship Money
JMagGuthrie - 25 Jan 2014