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Kiyoshi ran the meeting.

T-Bob, Iker, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

Rhiannon will plant her rose.

Jonathan will reset the burglar alarm.

Jonathan will donate blood on Saturday.

T-Bob will go to Justin's.

T-Bob will meet Iker's friend.

Iker will see her friend and introduce T-Bob to them.


Jonathan mowed the lawn.

Jonathan replaced a bunch of UPS batteries.

T-Bob got his mad minute all correct, so he has none to do over the weekend.


Jonathan complains that Andromeda is being a jerk about her boyfriend.

Iker complains that Andromeda's boyfriend is in the house all the time.

T-Bob says Iker is too mean to him.

J-Mag complains that T-Bob wants a "Junction Jack" plushie and a new Webkins.

Iker wants a new Webkins, too.


Jonathan will donate blood on Sunday.

Jonathan will buy the dual-fan ceiling fan.

Iker will water her rose after the family meeting.

Jonathan will talk to the Bridgwater HOA's management company.

Calendar Items

Bridgewater HOA Board Meeting on Monday.

Family Rules

Family Activity

Iker wants to go out to breakfast at the Waffle House.

T-Bob wants to go to Wendy's.

J-Mag wants to order pizza from Sicily Pizza and Pasta.

-- JonathanGuthrie - 25 Mar 2007

Topic revision: r1 - 2007-03-25 - JonathanGuthrie
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