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Halloween costumes have been set

Due to Hurricane Rita, school will not start until Wednesday

Speaking of Hurricane Rita, we all survived with minimal trouble.

The car has been repaired and inspected.


Andy doesn't like people making messes and not cleaning them up.

Iker needs things to make her Halloween costume.

T-Bob says school is "boring".

Kiyoshi's ear hurts.

Kiyoshi needs new blinds.


T-Bob draw from treasure box at school.

New cell phone for Andy.

Andy needs PT note for Thursday.

Calendar Items

Go back to school Wednesday.

Family therapy on Monday.

Cruise Thursday through the following Monday. (No family meeting on October 2.)

Payday is Friday.

Kiyoshi for Mike & Carol's for interview. (Unspecified time.)


No new family rules.

Family Activity

Dining out, one day this week.

-- JonathanGuthrie - 12 Oct 2005

Topic revision: r1 - 2005-10-12 - JonathanGuthrie
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