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T-Bob ran the meeting.

T-Bob, Iker, Andromeda, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

T-Bob will help do the dishes every day of the week.

Jonathan will look at Tweedledum.


Kiyoshi found his digital camera.

Tweedledum is working.

Andromeda and Iker have clothes to wear to school.

Everybody had a good time at Red Lobster.


Iker complains that when she plays Diablo II, she always has to create a new save slot because her slot always disappears.

Kiyoshi complains that Iker and T-Bob took most of the chips the last time we ate sloppy joes and didn't eat them.

Kiyoshi complains that Andy took his power strip without asking and it screwed up his computer.

Andromeda complains that T-Bob eats her food.

Andromeda complains that Iker made a mess in their room with the glue gun.

Kiyoshi would prefer that people not draw and erase on the whiteboard.

Andromeda complains that Iker yelled at her when Andromeda woke her up this morning.


J-Mag will get Andromeda and her down to the lab for blood work.

Iker will try to clean the dishes in 30 minutes when she's bending over the sink.

Andromeda will wake Iker up so that she can do Iker's hair.

Andromeda well get up in time to make the bus all week this week.

T-Bob will pay his $5 for this week and next week.

Calendar Items

School starts Monday.

Jonathan has jury duty Monday.

Payday is Friday.

Kelly's 24th birthday is today.

Family Rules

Family Activity

Andromeda suggests playing a board game.

Iker suggests a picnic. We will do a picnic on Saturday.

-- JonathanGuthrie - 26 Aug 2007

Topic revision: r1 - 2007-08-26 - JonathanGuthrie
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