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Kiyoshi ran the meeting.

Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

We're going to get Kiyoshi moved out.

T-Bob will do all his homework on Tuesday.

Iker will do all her homework this week.

Jonathan will throw out two more boxes of stuff from the garage.

Jonathan will start throwing out computer carcasses.

Jonathan will take "Texas Caviar" to the Simdesk Thanksgiving feast on Tuesday.


We got an illegible fax about the house, which we signed (because it had the signatures of the sellers on it) and a legible copy (which appears to match).

Andromeda moved out.


Jonathan has a cold and feels miserable


Jonathan will fax the signed fax back to Debbie Watson.

Calendar Items

J-Mag takes Danny to the doctor on Monday.

Cub Scouts on Tuesday.

DBSA on Thursday.

Payday on Thursday.

Family Rules

J-Mag no longer will do songs, stories, talking, or anything after 9:30.

Family Activity

-- JonathanGuthrie - 26 Nov 2006

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Topic revision: r2 - 2006-11-29 - JonathanGuthrie
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