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J-Mag ran the meeting.

T-Bob, Iker, Andromeda, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

Jonathan & J-Mag will send reimbursement forms to Rebecca.


Jonathan went up on the roof and unclogged he downspout and inspected the roof.

J-Mag called Dr. Love and they prepared a letter stating that she is capable of working.

Kiyoshi cleaned part of the downstairs.


Jonathan reports that there are shingles missing from the back of the roof.

A bedtime plan is needed.

Andromeda reports that Iker is playing with her shaving stuff.

Andromeda (and Kiyoshi, I think) reports that someone is wasting food.

Kiyoshi complains that he is the only one willing to clean the house.

Andromeda complains that Kiyoshi is cleaning the house and not her. (She wants to earn money doing that.)

Kiyoshi complains that T-Bob is making chimichangas.

J-Mag complains that people are living dishes in their room until they get moldy.

Andromeda complains that there are dishes on the table in the computer room.

Jonathan complains this his CD cases are missing.


Andromeda will clean all the rooms downstairs by the end of the week, except the library.

J-Mag will get Iker's drum.

Calendar Items

Payday is Thursday.

There is a Python meetup on Tuesday.

There is a thank you dinner for art show volunteers on Wednesday.

The last Apollocon 2007 meeting is Saturday.

Family Rules

No rule changes this week.

Family Activity

Kiyoshi suggests seeing a movie or something.

Andromeda talks about playing "Life" and does some general kvetching about the need for a 10-sided die.


-- JonathanGuthrie - 27 Jul 2008

Topic revision: r1 - 2008-07-27 - JonathanGuthrie
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