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J-Mag ran the meeting

T-Bob, Iker, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Week's Goals

* T-Bob will get five "E's" and pick from the treasure box.

* J-Mag will have a successful Thanksgiving dinner.

* Andy will do all her homework.

* T-Bob will do all his homework.

* Iker will have one day with no homework.

* Jonathan will update the family rule poster.


Iker had one day without homework.

T-Bob had a short week at school, no homework, and all E's.

J-Mag made guacamole.


T-Bob hates guacamole.

(Kiyoshi) People arem't picking up after themselves.

(Jonathan) The dance pad is broken. (Intermittent.)

(J-Mag) People are pouring themselves big glassess of milk and not drinking it all.


T-Bob will get to pick from the treasure box.

Iker will have a day without homeworks.

Kiyoshi will finish part of his FF RPG character generator.

Jonathan will update the rule list.

Jonathan will make a rocket this week.

J-Mag will organize the cleaning of the downstairs.

Jonathan will mop the downstairs floor.

J-Mag will put a PayPal donation button on John Lauck's site and get Jonathan to set up Drupal for the second discussion group.

Calendar Items

Tuesday, Kiyoshi will be visited for "Orientation and Mobility" at 11AM.

Payday is Wednesday.

Bankruptcy hearing for the landlord is December 9.

T-Bob's "I love you" day is Saturday. He will celebrate with Jonathan & J-Mag.

Family Rules

We need to follow the no messes rule. J-Mag and Jonathan will discuss short-term rewards for keeping the house clean.

Family Activity

T-Bob wants to play monopoly.

Pizza on Wednesday.

-- JonathanGuthrie - 27 Nov 2005

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Topic revision: r2 - 2005-11-27 - JonathanGuthrie
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