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Jonathan ran the meeting

J-Mag, T-Bob, Iker and Jonathan attended.

Last Week's Goals

J-Mag will find out what her hours are

T-Bob will get his cat


Jonathan started to work on the radio kit

J-Mag did her first client

J-Mag met with her new doctor

Iker glittered her pants


The ballad of Cathouse Lil

T-Bob's cat

Jonathan is missing a 2-way radio

The car is way broken

The printer can't handle J-Mag's bookmarks


Jonathan will go back to the gym

Jonathan will help T-Bob with his homework

J-Mag will make progress on the downstairs

Calendar Items

Cable TV tomorrow

KARS anniversary is Saturday

Saturday is the BVARC thing


Family Activity

Questions & Announcements & Jokes


$0 T-Bob

$5 Iker

Topic revision: r1 - 2010-02-28 - JMagGuthrie
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