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Kiyoshi ran the meeting.

Iker, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

J-Mag will score a cow.

Jonathan will buy a copy of the book "A Fate Worse than Dragons" by John Moore.

Anime Matsuri is next weekend and Andromeda will figure out how to get there.

Iker will water her rose.


J-Mag did laundry.

Jonathan did lawn work, including treating for fire ants.

Jonathan cleaned the living room.


Jonathan complains that there are bags of giveaway stuff in the garage.

Kiyoshi complains that there aren't enough chairs in the house.

J-Mag complains that someone needs to put Iker's monitor on her table.


J-Mag will help Jonathan find Kerry's address to send to Kelly.

Jonathan will do stuff to that end, too.

Iker will water her rose twice this week.

Jonathan will work on the library.

Jonathan will do something about the clothes dryer in the garage.

Calendar Items

Payday is Monday.

DBSA is Tuesday.

Anime club is Wednesday.

Iker is going to a sleepover at Emma's house on Friday.

Family Rules

Family Activity

Iker wants to play Empire Builder today.

-- JonathanGuthrie - 29 Apr 2007

Topic revision: r1 - 2007-04-29 - JonathanGuthrie
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