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Iker ran the meeting.

T-Bob, Iker, Andromeda, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

Jonathan will write write a con suite manual.

Jonathan will write to Shai about J-Mag's role in 2008.

Jonathan will contact Pat and mail her reimbursement check.


Jonathan replaced the UPS batteries in the server stack.

Jonathan and J-Mag bought cordless phones and such.

Jonathan implemented


I forgot the issues. I hate the touchpad because it caused this to get reset.

Iker doesn't want a bedtime.

T-Bob complains that mom takes the cards out of the satellite boxes after bedtime.

Andromeda complained that she wasn't paid because she didn't get paid because she didn't do the dishes.

Andromeda complains that T-Bob eats her food so she doesn't have any snacks and stuff.

Kiyoshi complains that someone didn't flush the toilet last night, no one is quite sure why.


Jonathan will write write a con suite manual.

Jonathan will write to Shai about J-Mag's role in 2008.

Calendar Items

Jonathan and J-Mag are going to a baseball game on August 8th.

Payday is Tuesday.

Family Rules

Iker and T-Bob now have to go to bed to get their allowance.

Family Activity

People want to go out to eat or see a movie. Iker wants to see "Harry Potter 4". There is a lot of discussion that I'm not recording because who cares? We've decided to go see "Harry Potter" and some place cheap to eat.

-- JonathanGuthrie - 29 Jul 2007

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Topic revision: r2 - 2007-08-05 - JonathanGuthrie
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