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J-Mag ran the meeting.

T-Bob, Iker, Andromeda, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

Andromeda will do well on the TAKS.

Rhiannon will do well on the TAKS.

T-Bob will get 5 E's and get to pick something that the whole family likes from the treasure box.

Jonathan will work on rockets.

Jonathan will finish the ReadAssist web site stuff.

Jonathan will get the Apollocon "First Trip" shopping list ready.

T-Bob and Iker will get to pick from anything at Walgreens that costs $5 or less.


Andromeda went to Shiokaze Con and had a great time.

J-Mag wrote a seven-part article on pitching.

Jonathan did the ReadAssist stuff.

Jonathan primed J-Mag's rocket.

Jonathan assembled the baffle and the payload coupler from his new rocket.


Jonathan says people aren't putting trash in the trash.

T-Bob says that Andy wasn't gone long enough for him to have fun.

Jonathan says we need to keep the GameFly games for less time than we've been doing it. J-Mag suggests adding GameFly to the agenda.

J-Mag says that people were eating dried beef. They ate some of it and put it back in the pantry. If that happens, three things have to occur. 1. J-Mag has to be told it will happen so more dried beef can be bought. 2. Leftovers have to go into a plastic bag. 3. The plastic bag has to go into the refrigerator.

J-Mag reports that someone is borrowing the measuring spoons and leaving them in strange places (like the living room floor.)


T-Bob will get 5-E's and pick from the treasure box.

Iker will finally say "Anemone" correctly.

Jonathan will mop the downstairs.

Jonathan will help Iker clean her room.

Jonathan will wash the van.

J-Mag will round up some toys to give away on Friday.

Jonathan will pay a quarter dollar for every stuffed animal nobody wants.

Calendar Items

Kids eat free at Denny's on Tuesday.

DBSA on Thursday.

J-Mag's going to a baseball game on Wednesday.

Family Rules

The bedtime rule is changing. Instead of staying up an hour one night, people can stay up 15 minutes on each night they got up nicely. On weekends, it's every day that they don't wake J-Mag up.

Family Activity

Pizza and "Munchkin" on Saturday.

-- JonathanGuthrie - 30 Apr 2006

Topic revision: r1 - 2006-04-30 - JonathanGuthrie
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