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T-Bob ran the meeting.

T-Bob, Iker, Andromeda, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

Iker will get 100 on her fast facts.

Andromeda will catch the bus to school tomorrow.

Jonathan will work out five times this week.


Andromeda mowed the grass.

Jonathan replaced the thermostat.

Jonathan showed J-Mag where the library is.


Andromeda complains that the house needs to be cleaned and nobody wants to clean it except her.

Kiyoshi complains that people aren't picking up after themselves.

J-Mag complains that people want to go to Kroger every time she goes and they're jerks when they go.

T-Bob complains that Iker left her backpack where he could trip over it.


Andromeda will clean the house by the end of April.

Jonathan will work out five times this week.

Jonathan will finish the mbox locking stuff in his IMAP server software.

Calendar Items

Payday is tomorrow.

Tuesday is April Fool's day.

J-Mag sees Dr. Love on Tuesday.

Family Rules

The family will clean the house daily from 9:30 to 10:00 PM. During those 30 minutes, access to the Internet, television, and phones will be forbidden. Voting for: J-Mag, Jonathan, Kiyoshi, and Andromeda. Voting against: Rhiannon and Robert.

Kiyoshi proposes that we recycle plastics with the proceeds to be distributed to the participants. Voting for: Kiyoshi and Rhiannon. Voting against: Jonathan, T-Bob, and Andromeda. Abstaining: J-Mag

Family Activity

J-Mag proposes everybody take turns messing up her cube.

Iker proposes going out to eat.


-- JonathanGuthrie - 30 Mar 2008

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Topic revision: r2 - 2008-03-30 - JonathanGuthrie
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