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ran the meeting.

Andromeda, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

T-Bob wants his sunburn to go away - yes

Get new shoes for Iker - yes

Get up on time in the morning - yes

Find out about the buses - yes

J-Mag will clean the new bookshelves - yes


Jonathan fixed J-Mag's bike

J-Mag made sixteen userbars in GIMP


Andromeda doesn't like Kiyoshi setting the cases of water in the library doorway and Jonathan didn't yell at him

Kiyoshi says omeone doesn't flush the toilet in the upstairs hallway restroom.

Jonathan says the kitchen table has a lot of trash around it.


J-Mag's goal is to only go to kroger twice

Jonathan is going to pick up trash around the table

Jonathan is going to clean the mildew off the back of the house

Calendar Items

J-Mag will pick up Iker and T-Bob tomorrow.



Family Activity

Out to eat


Jonathan wants to know how Kiyoshi would feel about living with Darla.

-- JMagGuthrie - 31 Aug 2008

Topic revision: r1 - 2008-08-31 - JMagGuthrie
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