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T-Bob ran the meeting.

T-Bob, Iker, Andromeda, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

Andromeda will clean all the rooms downstairs by the end of the week, except the library.

J-Mag will get Iker's drum.


T-Bob has a loose tooth.

Jonathan fixed the car.

Jonathan got new shoes.

J-Mag got her lithium.


J-Mag has a problem because people are saving food that they don't intend to eat.

Jonathan's CD cases are missing

Jonathan's MP3 player is missing

Jonathan's hurricane tracking chart is missing

Jonathan complains that the house is still a mess

Kiyoshi has unclogged the toilet three times in the last two weeks because people use too much toilet paper.

T-Bob complains that Iker stays on the computer too long.

T-Bob complains that megaman isn't running.


T-Bob will get his tooth to fall out.

Jonathan will set up a Twiki for the Apollocon 2009 committe.

Kiyoshi will clean the computer room this week.

J-Mag will have people go to bed at a reasonable time

J-Mag will cook every day.

Jonathan will fix the roof

Calendar Items

T-Bob and J-Mag has a dental appointment on Thursday

Library trip on Monday

Family Rules

Everybody has a bedtime.

Kiyoshi wants to have a rule concerning leaving dishes upstairs.

Family Activity

T-Bob suggests that people clean a common area and then go out for a treat, like for ice cream.


-- JonathanGuthrie - 03 Aug 2008

Topic revision: r1 - 2008-08-03 - JonathanGuthrie
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