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Jonathan ran the meeting.

Kiyoshi, T-Bob, Iker, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

Jonathan will fax the signed fax back to Debbie Watson.


Jonathan cancelled GameFly.

Jonathan found out about a disk repair place.

Jonathan threw out even more stuff.

J-Mag set the opening day lineups for the Cincinnati Cyclones all by herself.

Kiyoshi cleaned the dust out of his CPU fan.

Iker got $5.


Kiyoshi complains that Iker and T-Bob lose the downstairs remote.

Iker complains that Kiyoshi sometimes says things that aren't true.

Jonathan complains that the laundry schedule is too long. It seems to happen every third week.

Jonathan complains that he's the only one cleaning the house in preparation for the move.


T-Bob will do his homework on Tuesday.

Iker will get five more dollars.

Jonathan will throw more stuff out and take paper to the paper recycler.

Calendar Items

Jonathan's birthday is a week from today.

Saturday is QRP.

Thursday is DBSA.

Cub Scouts Tuesday.

Piano lesson on Tuesday.

Family Rules

No taking the game cube out of the house.

Family Activity

Out to eat for Jonathan's Birthday.

-- JonathanGuthrie - 29 Nov 2006

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Topic revision: r2 - 2006-12-03 - JonathanGuthrie
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