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Iker Ran the meeting

T-Bob, J-Mag, Kiyoshi, Andromeda and Jonathan attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

Jonathan is going to bleachify the AC drain - nope

Kiyoshi is going to continue his job hunt - no


Jonathan and T-bob have glasses

Fire ant treatage has happened

The garage has been rearranged

Jonathan took a soil sample

Iker has a swimming suit


People use husky and cause the monitor to fail

People are leaving the dishes everywhere

Andy isn't taking the card when she finds dishes in the various places

Andromeda complains about the temperature


Jonathan is going to bleachify the AC drain

Jonathan is going to test the soil sample

J-Mag is going to submit her story to FenCon

Calendar Items

Mother's day is a week from today

Iker is getting shots Monday

Andy has a Dr. appointment on Thursday

Tomorrow is wear blue for pride

Tuesday is Golbow Field day

J-Mag sees the therapist tomorrow


If people eat ingredients then the meals made from them will go off the table

Family Activity



Topic revision: r1 - 2009-05-03 - JMagGuthrie
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