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T-Bob ran the meeting

T-Bob, Iker, Andromeda, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.


T-Bob will get to pick from the treasure box.

Iker will have a day without homeworks.

Kiyoshi will finish part of his FF RPG character generator.

Jonathan will update the rule list.

Jonathan will make a rocket this week.

J-Mag will organize the cleaning of the downstairs.

Jonathan will mop the downstairs floor.

J-Mag will put a PayPal donation button on John Lauck's site and get Jonathan to set up Drupal for the second discussion group.


Kiyoshi built his computer desk.

Iker had one day with no homework.

Andy got a piggy bank to put her money into.

Andy rearranged the spice cupboard.

Andy got a new dishwasher deal.

T-Bob got four E's.

T-Bob finished his homework a day early.


Kiyoshi's keyboard cord is too short.

Iker needs more beads.

Andy's #1. She claims to be not manic.

Andy thinks that it's unfair that Kiyoshi doesn't get paid an allowance even if he does chores.


Andy will do her homework.

Iker will have a day without homeworks.

Calendar Items

Family therapy is Tuesday.

J-Mag goes to see Dr. Love on Thursday.

Thursday night is T-Bob's school program where he will sing 8 different songs.

Saturday is Jonathan's birthday.

Family Rules

No one is following the clean up after themselves.

Jonathan will give a quarter to anyone who tells him that the toilet is clogged.

Jonathan will give a quarter to anyone who tells him that someone else is making a mess.

Family Activity

Narnia on Dec 24th.

Pizza and cake for Jonathan's birthday on the 10th.

-- JonathanGuthrie - 04 Dec 2005

Topic revision: r1 - 2005-12-04 - JonathanGuthrie
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