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Jonathan ran the meeting.

T-Bob, Iker, Andromeda, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

We will buy a disk fixer on Wednesday.

Andromeda is to help around the house.


We got the disk fixer.

Jonathan planted grass and applied herbicide to the thing on the back fence.

Jonathan bonded baffle into his new rocket.

Iker helped Jonathan plant the grass seed.

Kiyoshi installed K3B on his computer.

John Lauck's site has been moved to the hosted computer.


Andy wants to get two more rockets.

Andy's DVD wasn't fixed by the disk fixer.

Andy needs a social security card.

T-Bob complains that Kiyoshi returns to Criss Cole school on Monday.


Move TBHOF to the hosted computer soon.

Finish the first draft of the weight loss web site.

Andy is going to help around the house.

Iker's goal is to blog every day.

Jonathan will make fondue Sunday.

T-Bob will get stuff from the convenience store.

Calendar Items

Kiyoshi returns to Criss Cole school Monday.

J-Mag takes Danny to the doctor on Thursday.

QRP meeting Saturday.

Family Rules

Family Activity

McGriddles on Monday.

Other improvised activities.

-- JonathanGuthrie - 04 Jun 2006

Topic revision: r1 - 2006-06-04 - JonathanGuthrie
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