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J-Mag ran the meeting.

T-Bob, Iker, Andromeda, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

J-Mag will mail off her prescriptions.

T-Bob will eventually beat Bowser on "Paper Mario".


T-Bob beat the alpha blog.

Andromeda went to the doctor and got new medicine that hasn't made her sick.


T-Bob can't get to the dark alpha blog.

Iker complains that printing doesn't work from her computer.

Iker complains that she hasn't gotten her rose bush yet.

Andromeda complains that Kiyoshi is nocturnal.

J-Mag complains that someone turned the oven off.

T-Bob complains that he didn't get his hair cut even though he was supposed to on Friday.


T-Bob will get his hair cut on Monday after he does his homework.

Jonathan will unpack more books.

Jonathan will begin wiring the house for LAN and electricity.

Calendar Items

T-Bob gets his hair cut on Monday.

T-Bob will go to Iker's puppet show on Saturday.

QRP on Saturay.

Anime club on Wednesday.

TMNT movie starts the 23rd.

Family Rules

Family Activity

-- JonathanGuthrie - 04 Mar 2007

Topic revision: r1 - 2007-03-04 - JonathanGuthrie
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