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Jonathan ran the meeting.

T-Bob, Iker, J-Mag, Andromeda, Kiyoshi, and Jonathan attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

Jonathan will get a new lock for the medication box - done

Kiyoshi wants to go to gamestop - done


J-Mag got the comment form on SASSR.org working

Grocery shopping happened.

Jonathan got IPv6 working at home and on varsity

Fixed EPL

Tweedledum is working

Andromeda mowed the grass


T-Bob leaves his homework at the top of the stairs

T-Bob's glasses

Captain Queeg

Didn't attend the party

People eating Jonathan's breakfast food

T-Bob and Iker keep leaving their school stuff in the middle of the floor

Iker doesn't sleep with her blanket

The brochure templates I've been able to find are for Word

T-Bob's magazine hasn't arrived yet


Kiyoshi will start cleaning the house this week

Andromeda will get dry cleaning done

Josh will help Andromeda with her driver's book

J-Mag will put together a brochure

Jonathan will talk to GrokThis about IPv6

J-Mag will get Jeremy's forum working

Kiyoshi will create a user authentication module in Python

Calendar Items

Haircuts tomorrow

Anime convention

J-Mag seed Dr. Love and Dr. Debes

Good Friday

No school the 11th


Reminder about plushies

Family Activity

See a movie


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Topic revision: r2 - 2009-04-12 - JonathanGuthrie
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