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T-Bob ran the meeting.

T-Bob, Iker, Andromeda, Kiyoshi, Jonathan and J-Mag attended.

Last Weeks's Goals

T-Bob's goal is to get another 5-E's for his conduct.

Andy will read Huckleberry Finn for class.

Jonathan and J-Mag will get a vehicle this week with financing, insurance, and so forth.

J-Mag will get scheduled for surgery to remove her gall bladder.

Andy will go to school this week.


Iker got homework done this week.

Kiyoshi finished the buttons for his next Web site layout.

We got a new printer.

The broken Mario Party 7 got sent back.

Jonathan found his first geocache.


Iker says that T-Bob plays "Super Smash Bros" way too much.

J-Mag says that Iker and T-Bob take off their socks everywhere and they don't get in the sock pile so they don't get washed.


T-Bob will get 5 E's again.

Iker will get all her school work done.

Iker will get up and get dressed by herself every morning.

Calendar Items

J-Mag sees Dr. Love on Thursday at 11:45.

Jonathan and J-Mag have their 15th wedding anniversary Wednesday, February 8.

T-Bob wears an Eiland Dolphin navy blue shirt on Friday.

Jonathan has a QRP meeting next Saturday.

Family Rules

If someone is playing on on the game cube, and they change the game to include someone who wants to play, the first person's turn is not ended.

Family Activity

Go to Bane Park (in Fairbanks) and then out to eat on 5 Feb.

Go to Sam Bass park for picnic and play next Saturday lunch-ish.

-- JonathanGuthrie - 05 Feb 2006

Update 'the park in Fairbanks' to 'Bane Park' because that's it's name.

-- JonathanGuthrie - 07 Feb 2006

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Topic revision: r2 - 2006-02-07 - JonathanGuthrie
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